Yesterday I had to plug in my keyboard to the computer and wasnt sure if it was working. How do I test? Well, I had to look up an older post, copy and paste some code to the console... what a drag. 昨天我不得不将键盘插入计算机,不确定是否可以正常…
Problem: too much JavaScript in your page to handle 3rd party widgets (e.g. Like buttons) Possible solution: a common piece of JavaScript to handle all third parties needs 问题:页面中JavaScript太多,无法处理第三方的小部件(例如ÿ…
react项目运行缺少脚本重点 (Top highlight)React is the world’s most popular JavaScript framework, but it’s not cool because it’s popular. It’s popular because it’s cool. Most React introductions jump right into showing you examples of how to use React,…
模板字符串语法:es5写法:需要使用大量的“”(双引号)和 来拼接才能得到我们需要的模版实例:"He is <b>" "</b> and we wish to know his" person.age ".That i…
JavaScript中的for循环if条件判断和switch开关语句(JS笔记:十二) for循环:
var arr [1,2,3,2,52,4,1,2,5,2,125];
for(let i 0; i < arr.length; i){console.log(arr[i])…
JavaScript日期对象下的API(JS笔记:十四) 日期对象的使用:
获取当前的实时时间:var date new Date()日期对象下的API:
getFullYear():返回年份 getMonth():返回月份,0…
代码: $(function () { setInterval(“getTime();”, 1000); //每隔一秒执行一次 }) //取得系统当前时间 function getTime() { var myDate new Date(); var date myDate.toLocaleDateString(); var hours myDate.getHours(); var minutes myDate.getMinutes();…
AI视频生成平台AI video generation platform 想录视频,但又不想亲自上镜?不会说外语,又想做外语口播视频?也是没问题的!(露出机智的小眼神~)在AI视频生成平台,选择一个角色…
1.let,const在代码块内有效,var是在全局范围内有效 { let test1 0; var test2 1; } test1 // test1is not defined test2 // 1
2.let 和const只能声明一次,var 可以声明多次 let test1 1; let test1 2; var test2 3; var test2 4; test1 // Ident…
由于经常遇到使用js函数时明明函数名称写是对的,但还是报错提示 函数 is not defind 令人烦躁;
1、函数 is not defind 一旦报这个错说明你的js代码里面有BUG与js的写法什么的没关系, 优先查看在此函数前执行的js代码
箭头函数 箭头函数和原来相比,只是写法上的改进: 1、如果只有一个参数,()可以省 2、如果只有一个 return,{ } 可以省 function show(){}let show () >{} 实例1、省略( ) 和 { } let show function(a){…
let now moment();等价于 moment(new Date());使用时间戳初始化:
moment(number); // number为毫秒
moment.unix(number); //number为秒 使用JS Date对象初始化
let date new Date();
let …
var obj document.getElementById("XZJGSelect"); //获取到select对象
var text obj.options.length; //获取到有几个option
var text obj.option[1].text;//可以获取到序号为1的option的值更多内容点这里
100.相同的树题目如下解题思路c代码题目如下 解题思路
/*** Definition for a binary tree node.…
I was just admiring Tim Kadlec eye-pleasing site. Nice, simple, see what Im talkin bout. 我只是欣赏Tim Kadlec令人赏心悦目的站点。 很好,很简单,看看我在说什么。 The feature I liked most was the footer that said "This page loaded in…
Pattern p Pattern.compile("");
// 匹配的表达式
Matcher m p.matcher("");
// 被匹配的变量或数据
// 若匹配返回true,不匹配返回false 二、JS
var test "";
var reg /^[1-9]\d…
copy语法不正确Reducing the number of HTTP requests is a must, sprites are cool, but a pain to maintain, so there come data URIs (for all browsers) and MHTML (IE6 and 7). Ive talked about these things on this blog to a point where the blog comes up in top 1…
文章目录HTML DOM Element 对象HTML DOM 节点Element 对象Node Types节点类型 - 返回值HTML DOM querySelector() 方法语法参数值真实dom转换成虚拟dom思路注意点:文本节点的判断和节点文本的获取完整代码实现这个函数之前,首先要对js的一些官方api要有明…
浏览器编程Earlier this year, GitHub announced a few new features during its Satellite 2020 event to help developers across the globe. One of these new features is Codespaces, which GitHub calls “your instant dev environment.”今年早些时候,GitHu…
<script language"javascript">
function randomString(len) {len len || 32;var $chars ABCDEFGHJKMNPQRSTWXYZabcdefhijkmnprstwxyz2345678; /****默认去掉了容易混淆的字符oOLl,9gq,Vv,Uu,I1****/var maxPos $chars.length;var pwd ;for (i 0; i &l…
// 将一维数组拆分成多个二维小数组
export const arraySplit (arr, length) > {var result [];for (var i 0; i < arr.length; i length) {result.push(arr.slice(i, i length));}return result;
效果图: 思路:通过后端的接口数据循环遍历出点的经纬度、弹窗信息,依次push进一个空的数组,最后将这个数组赋值给data里面定义的变量。 话不多说上代码: HTML <el-amap-markerv-for"marker in markers"…
文章目录<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>JavaScript Loan Calculator</title>
<style> /* This is a CSS style sheet: it adds style to the program output */
.output { font-weight: bold; } /* Calculated value…
Adding class names using JavaScript can be often used to give certain functionalities to your web application. In this article, we will learn how to add class names to elements on the DOM through JavaScript? 使用JavaScript添加类名称通常可用于为您的Web应用…
Node.js----跨域1 接口的跨域问题2 使用 cors 中间件解决跨域问题2.1 CORS2.2 CORS 的注意事项2.3 CORS 响应头部 - Access-Control-Allow-Origin2.4 CORS 响应头部 - Access-Control-Allow-Headers2.5 CORS 响应头部 - Access-Control-Allow-Methods2.6 CORS请求的分类2.6.1 简…
javascript/JS限制用户名只能输入字母和数字下划线 2010-05-20 10:08 function checkreg(){ var msg "对不起,输入错误\n"; var regform document.all.reg; var username regform.username; var password1 regform.password1; var password2 regform…
方法1、对于Javascript 1.8.5(ECMAScript 5),变量名字.isArray( )可以实现这个目的
var a[];
var b{};
npm i vue-18n --save
2.在项目根目录新建文件夹(自己命名)i18n.config.js,写如下代码 注意:小编在vue.config.js里面配置了路径别名,l指向src/lang目录
import Vue from vue
import VueI18n from vue-i18n
import Element from e…
let name 新码笔记;
let encodedData window.btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(name )));
// 输出:5paw56CB56yU6K6w
let decodedData decodeURIComponent(escape(w…
devc输入更快一些历史(Some history) Some time ago, Simon Willison published a "Better Date Input" javascript that accepts all kinds of user inputs and tries to figure out a date out of it. For example "2006-02-08", "today", &qu…
超人名片Prior to php 4.1. there were no $_POST, $_GET, etc. superglobal arrays, but there were a bunch of other superglobals, like $HTTP_POST_VARS, $HTTP_GET_VARS and so on. The guide mentions this in the forms chapter but there is a typo (repeated several…
遍历数组对象The certification guide demonstrates what is probably the fastest (performance-wise) way to go through the elements of an array - using the array_walk() function. The example in the guide is using a callback function to use the elements of the …
javascript解析器它是什么(What is it) A JavaScript class that accepts a string and tries to figure out a valid color out of it. Some accepted inputs are for example: 一个JavaScript类,它接受字符串并尝试从中找出有效的颜色。 一些可接受的输入例如&…
Before we dive into variable Scope discussion, let me explain what a function is in JavaScript? 在深入讨论可变作用域之前,让我解释一下JavaScript中的函数是什么 ? JavaScript中的函数 (Functions in JavaScript) Basically, subprograms for …
let tree [{label:a,children:[{label:b,children:[{label:d},{label:e}]},{label:c,children:[{label:f}]}]}
]树的广度优先遍历 广度优先遍历:从上往下对每一层依次访问&…
// 保留三位小数keepThreeNum(value) {let resValue 0//小数点的位置let index value&&value.toString().indexOf(.) 1 //小数的位数 let num value&&Math.abs(Number(value)).toString().length - index if(index && num > 3){resValue valu…
请求后打开新页面被拦截Maybe youre an attacker who sneaked in a little JavaScript to an unsuspecting site and would like to, well, sneak. Or maybe you want to know what exactly all these third-party analytics scripts are "calling home". Or maybe j…
视觉图像预处理#6 This post is part of the Velocity countdown series. Stay tuned for the articles to come. #6这篇文章是Velocity倒数系列的一部分。 请继续关注未来的文章。 Alrighty, this is something Ive talked about last year at HighLoad and Fronte…
bat替换脚本Robert Ames commented on my previous post suggesting replacing the Home button with my little site search bookmarklet. I didnt even know this was possible, but I found it pretty cool, so I just had to try. 罗伯特艾姆斯( Robert Ames )在我的上一篇…
git tag怎么打tagAs you may have noticed, I claim that CSS is bad for performance because: 您可能已经注意到,我声称CSS对性能不利,因为: Most browsers block the very first paint until all screen CSS arrives 大多数浏览器会阻止第…
jest单元测试Jest is a new javascript testing tool announced today. I thought Id take it out for a spin testing the UI of a simple vanilla JS app - no CommonJS modules, no fancy stuff. Just old school JavaScript. Granted, its probably not what the tool was …
浏览器记住密码Weve all seen something like this: 我们都看到过这样的事情: But you have no idea what the password is. How to get the human-readable version of *******? 但是您不知道密码是什么。 如何获得人类可读的*******版本? 方法1&#…
var str “\u0088\u0088\u0091\u00AD\u009B”;
var utfstring decodeURI(escape(str)) 是用escape把iso8859-1的字符进行编码,然后再调用decodeURI按照utf8的方式进行解码。
var …
1 基于操作的节流,防抖
var num 0;
function demo(){console.log(num);
}// 基于操作的节流,防抖
// 定义定时器句柄
var timebar
// 高频事件
window.onscroll function(){// 基于操作的,在高频事件中…
<span id"spanName"></span>
<input type"text" id"inputName">
let obj { name : };
let newObj Object.parse(Object.stringify(o…
MutationObserverIntersectionObservergetComputedStyle()getBoundingClientRectrequestAnimationFrameMutationObserver MutationObserver 是一个可以监听 DOM 结构变化的接口。当 DOM 对象树发生任何变动时,MutationObserver 会得到通知。APIMutationObserver 是一…
先看一下代码 var btns document.querySelectorAll(button)for (var i 0; i < btns.l…
ios rac接近重复点击2010 update: Lo, the Web Performance Advent Calendar hath moved 2010年更新: Lo, Web Performance Advent Calendar已移动 Dec 9 This post is part of the 2009 performance advent calendar experiment. Stay tuned for the ne…
as_hash rubyHash.default_proc方法 (Hash.default_proc Method) In this article, we will study about Hash.default_proc Method. The working of this method can be predicted with the help of its name but it is not as simple as it seems. Well, we will understand …
ES6: Symbol 文章目錄ES6: Symbol簡介參考正文Symbol 創建Usage 使用作為屬性名消除魔術字符串(Magic string)非私有內部方法內置 Symbol 值OverviewSymbol.hasInstanceSymbol.isConcatSpreadableSymbol.speciesSymbol.matchSymbol.replaceSymbol.searchSymbol.splitSymbol.ite…
html/js/cssIm sure better tools exist, but hey, quick and dirty is faster: 我敢肯定,存在更好的工具,但是嘿,快速又肮脏会更快: const total document.documentElement.innerHTML.length;const scripts Array.from(docume…
c stl eraseC STL set :: erase()函数 (C STL set::erase() function) set::erase() function is a predefined function, it is used to erase an element from a set. set :: erase()函数是预定义的函数,用于删除集合中的元素。 Prototype: 原型: s…
parseInt(new Date().getTime()/1000);,
或者Date.parse(new Date())/1000;1、将当前日期转换为时间戳。var now new Date();console.log(now.getTime()) // 将当前日期转换为时间戳,getTime()方法可返回距1970年1月1日之间的毫秒数。也可以使用 now ࿰…
JavaScript 语言最初是为 Web 浏览器创建的。此后,它已经发展成为一种具有多种用途和平台的语言。
平台可以是一个浏览器,一个 Web 服务器,或其他 主机(host),甚至可以是一…
ar a"abcdefghiklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
var ba.substr(3,5); //defgh
var ca.substring(3,5); //de注意最后5下标是不会取到的意思是只能截取a字符串的3,4下标 截取的…
//一个数组划分为二维数组内多个小数组/*arr:原数组num: 需要获取成几个小数组*/formatArr(arr,num) {//最后返回的结果为一个二维数组var newArr new Array(Math.ceil(arr.length/2));for (let i 0; i < newArr.length; i) {newArr[i] [];}for (let i 0; i …
ASynchronous JavaScript And XML:异步的JavaScript和XML同步和异步:客户端和服务器端相互通信的基础上。同步——客户端在等待服务器端的响期间不能做任何其他操作;异步——服务器处理请求的过程中,客户端可以进行其他的操…
function isDecimal(strValue ) { var objRegExp /^\d\.\…
react创建自定义组件In 2003, noted technologist Murphy Lee presaged our current state of modular component based web applications when he asked:在2003年,著名的技术专家Murphy Lee在询问时预告了我们当前基于模块化组件的Web应用程序的状态: …
世界位置全局位置location location ... and 534 other ways to reload the page with JavaScript location location ...以及534种其他使用JavaScript重新加载页面的方法 How many ways you can think of when you want to reload the current page with JavaScript? I cou…
Heres a little thing I came up with, which hopefully can make reading/writing cookies with JavaScript easier. 这是我想到的一件事,希望可以使使用JavaScript读取/编写cookie更加容易。 好主意 (The big idea) The idea is to keep a JavaScript object (a …
So theres this recent open-source project from Facebook called jstransform. Its also used by ReactJS. It lets you explore ES6 features and not only explore, but use them in production code. 因此,Facebook最近有一个名为jstransform的开源项目。 Reac…
浏览器资源嗅探器Browser sniffing is bad. But sometimes unavoidable. But doing it on the server is bad, because UA string is unreliable. The solution is to use conditional comments and let IE do the work. Because youre targeting IE most of the times anyway.…
卸载amazon的链接Its a pain to link to a specific product on Amazon if you have to use their UI to build an affiliate link. Its good to have nice, clean and short affiliate links. This post gives you the details and also a bookmarklet to built the links by …
a. for …of 用来遍历字符串,数组,返回值是数组,字符串的值 b. for …in 用来遍历字符串,数组,对象,返回值是下标,对象的返回值是属性 c. foreach,map 都是数组的新方法,对数组的每个…
react自定义属性渲染First and foremost, if you wish to follow along with this article and possibly re-create the Google Map with ‘x’ amount of custom map markers…versioning is crucial. There are around three of four different Google Map React packages ci…
function Dog(name){ name;this.species "犬类"}var a new Dog(&…
function deteleObject(obj) {var uniques [];var stringify {};for (var i 0; i < ob…
ID 选择器:根据 id 查找标签对象 .class 选择器:根据 class 查找标签对象 element 选择器:根据标签名查找标签对象 ** * 选择器**:表示任意的,所有的元素 selector1,selector2 组合选择器&…
//s、e:需要替换的开始位置s和结束位置e function starReplace(str, s, e) {
if (!str) return str;
var _k !!e&&e ! 0 ? str.substring(s, e) : str.substring(s);
var _v “”;
for (var i 0; i < _k.length; i…
双耳节拍 枕头Pillow is the friendly PIL fork by Alex Clark and Contributors. PIL is the Python Imaging Library by Fredrik Lundh and Contributors 枕头是Alex Clark和Contributors的友好PIL叉子。 PIL是Fredrik Lundh和贡献者的Python影像库 Since Pillow 2.0, the P…
How can I redirect the user from one page to another using jQuery or pure JavaScript?
67 个解决方案
#1 12438
One does not simply redirect using jQuery
jQuery is not necessary, and win…
可调电源diyIn todays world of always having some sort of code transformation before your JS/CSS/HTML reaches the user, e.g. minification, concatenation, es6-to-es3 transpilation, its nice to be able to go back to the source before the transformation. And w…
Ah, asynchronous JavaScripts. Love em, hate em, but you gotta use them! 嗯,异步JavaScript。 爱他们,恨他们,但您必须使用它们! I have quite a few posts here on this blog about this stuff. Starting with something I c…
返回值应设置全局变量 var isExitResult true; /*
* 验证是否存在
* 返回值应设置全局变量 var isExitResult true;
function isExitOaIntelligenceBox(){// var params new Array();var boxIdVal $(#boxId).val();var isExitResult true;$.G…
javascript子节点JavaScript传播运算符 (JavaScript Spread Operator) The spread operator came out in ES6 and has great functionality for arrays in JavaScript. With a major update in ES9, the spread operator is now extended to objects in addition to arrays. In…
C logb()函数 (C logb() function) logb() function is a library function of cmath header, it is used to get the logarithm of |given value|, where logarithm base is FLT_RADIX (On the most of the platforms the FLT_RADIX is 2, thus, logb() function is similar …
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<html xmlns:v"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" xmlns"" >
<head><title>WawaMind beta v1.0</title>…
var integral document.getElementById(jifen).innerText;//3.js通过id获取th:value中的值࿰…
code function Parent() { [Lamborghini,Maserati,Bentley];}Parent.prototype.showCars function () {// console.log(;};function Child() {}Child.prototype new Parent();// let parent new Parent()// console…
一. for类循环
1. for — 传统的方式 for (let index 0; index < arr.length; index) {console.log(arr[index])}范围: 可遍历数组,不可遍历对象 迭…
和var关键字用法基本一致。 let a 10;let fn function () {console.log(hello)}fn();console.log(a);与var的区别
this 总是指向函数的直接调用者(而非间接调用者) 如果有 new 关键字, this 指向 new 出来的那个对象 在事件中, this 指向触发这个事件的对象,特殊的是, IE 中的 attachEvent 中的this…
javascript理解While creating an execution context, The JavaScript engine allocates memory for the variables and functions before executing them. This allows us to do some interesting things like accessing a variable before declaring it.创建执行上下文时&…
vue中nodejs怎么用In this article we are going to build shopping cart frontend for our application. We will be using Vue Vite which has a faster hot module reload.在本文中,我们将为我们的应用程序构建购物车前端。 我们将使用Vue Vite,它具有…
react 使用css文件背景 (Background) After reading Vasudha Mamtani’s blog about sign-up pages, I realized I had been taking them for granted.阅读了Vasudha Mamtani关于注册页面的博客后,我意识到我已经把它们视为理所当然了。 Having a solid sign-up pa…
react 前端拆分A lot of folks (myself included) are used to write SPA React applications that need both a user-facing part and an admin interface for managing the data. In general, there are a variety of options that are commonly used to implement this type…
regeneratorRuntime is not defined这个错误显然是未能正确配置babel。
# 这个包中包含了regenerator…
function isTransferErrorEmpty(obj){if(Object.prototype.toS…
#!/usr/bin/env osascript -l JavaScriptlet doc new Application(Adobe Photoshop 2021).Document({name: Some title for a new doc,
doc.make()不得不说,苹果官方对jxa的文档支持太简陋了,下图是词典文件 但是没有实例演示&#x…
//获取路径参数getUrlParam (name) {var reg new RegExp("(^|&)" name "([^&]*)(&|$)");var r;if(r ! null) return unescape(r[2]);return null;},
JS Learning Note -- Iteration and spread operationIterationFirst question, what is the Iteration?Iteration and spread operators in ES6The Iterator ProtocolCustomize IteratorEarly termination of iteratorsGeneratorBasicInterrup ting execution with “yield”…
React设置antd3x自定义主题,TypeError: this.getOptions is not a function的解决方法
提示:主要使用:react-app-rewired 和 customize-cra实现antd3x版本自定义主题 问题 报错图片 分析: 1. 由于引入less-loader(第三方库)时&a…
this、call、apply、bind this的指向问题 在ES5中,this的指向始终坚持一个原理:this永远指向最后调用它的那个对象,注意是在ES5中。
Case1: var name "windowsName";function a() {var name "Cherry";console.log(thi…
for 循环 var num 1,cout 0,result 0;for (var i 1; i < num; i) {num;if (i % 3 0 && i % 7 0) {result i;cout;} else if (cout 35) {break;}}console.log(result);while循环 var i 1,count 0,result 0;while (count < 35) { i; if (i % 3 0 &…
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<HTML xmlns:v"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml">
<TITLE> Test VML Chart for Version 1.0.1 </TITLE>
每个 Vue 实例在被创建之前都要经过一系列的初始化过程。例如,实例需要配置数据观测(data observer)、编译模版、挂载实例到 DOM ,然后在数据变化时更新 DOM 。
下图展示的就是一个vue实例对象的生命周期。 从图上我们可以看到vue在生命周期中有这些状态…
这里写自定义目录标题1. pdf.js 库的使用1.1. 什么是 pdf.js1.2. 在网页上显示 pdf 文件(使用 pdf.js)1.2.1. 下载1.2.2. 网页上显示 pdf 文件1.2.2.1. 传入参数(不推荐) 修改默认文件1.3. 遇到的问题1.3.1. 问题: file origin does not match viewer1.3.2. 问题: 获取…
方法一:放在<head>里面 <!-- saved from url(0014)about:internet --> 向本地 HTML 文件中添加一条“saved from URL”注释,以指示 Internet Explorer 对本地计算机上的 HTML 内容应用其他区域的设置。例如,向一个本地 HTML 文件…
在写vue的时候报错: Component template should contain exactly one root element. If you are using v-if on multiple elements, use v-else-if to chain them instead. 直译出来 就是:组件模板应该包含一个根元素。如果在多个元素上使用V-IF…
function getQueryString(name) {var reg new RegExp("(^|&)" name "([^&]*)(&|$)", "i");var r;if (r ! null) return unescape(r[2]);return null;};getQueryStrin…
对象字面量new Object构造函数Object.create
// 字面量
var obj1 {name: solo obj1};// new Object
var obj2 new Object({name: solo obj2})// 构造函数创建
var M function(name){ name;
var obj3 new M(solo obj3);// Object.create
var p {nam…
element ui 表格的常见特殊属性1,表格内容太多用...表示2,修改element ui自带的样式3,修改奇数行背景色4,给表头添加背景色及文字样式5,表头文字竖向排列(文字带括号)6,表头边框与文本边框对不齐情况7,导航栏的侧边栏只展开一个下拉菜单8,表格表头和内容居中显示9,添加表格背景…
这里我只转了时和分,如果还需要其他的年月日之类的,直接在后面加即可。 var leftArr [1523618433000, 1302693633000, 1623618433000];var arrs [];for (var i 0; i < leftArr.length; i) {let time new Date(leftArr[i]…
function isDigit(s) { var patrn/^[0-9]{1,20}$/; if (!patrn.exec(s)) return false return true }
function isRegisterUserName(s) { var patrn/^[a…
function unique(arr){
var res […
有伙伴问晓衡:Cocos Store 上除了成品小游戏,还有那些机会?我回答道:Creator 3D 特效美术,绝对有机会,最为简单的就是模仿『王者荣耀』中的技能来一打!今天给大家推荐一篇 Cocos Creator 3D 的粒…
<!DOCTYPE html>
<body><h1>JavaScript 变量</h1><p>在本例中,x、y 以及 z 都是变量。</p><p id"demo"></p><script>
var x 7;
var y 8;
var z x y;
You need to create a jsconfig.json file at the root of your project.
{"compilerOptions": {"target": "ES6"},"exclude": ["node_modules","**/node_modules/*"]
//some()当内部return true时跳出整个循环:
var array [1,2,3,4,5];
var num 3;
array.some(function(data){if(data num) {return true;}console.log(data);
//every()当内部return false时跳出整个循环
var array…
export const randomLenNum (len, date) > {let random ;random Math.ceil(Math.random() * 100000000000000).toString().substr(0, len ? len : 4);if (date) random random;re…
一道有意思的面试题,考查 this 指向,如下。
var out 25
var inner {out: 20,func: function () {var out 30return this.out}
console.log((inner.func, inner.func)())
JavaScript 通常用于操作 HTML 元素。 操作 HTML 元素如需从 JavaScript 访问某个 HTML 元素,可以使用 document.getElementById(id) 方法。请使用 “id” 属性来标识 HTML 元素:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<h1>My First …
<select lay-filter"test"></select>
var form …
这个方法了不起啊。。vue.js和avalon.js 都是通过它实现双向绑定的。。而且Object.observe也被草案发起人撤回了。。所以defineProperty更有必要了解一下了几行代码看他怎么用 var a {}Object.defineProperty(a,"b",{value:123})console.log(a.b);//123
本体对象属性和数据属性区别In this article we’ll cover an important issue for R. We will talk about the different types of data used in R. We will also learn about some basic operations on data types.在本文中,我们将介绍R的重要问题。我们将讨论R中…
主画布 子画布Done it before with PHP, but now that JavaScript is all-powerful, lets see how we can manipulate images in an HTML <canvas>. 以前使用PHP进行过处理,但是现在JavaScript具备了强大的功能,让我们看看如何在HTML <canvas&g…
帆布指纹UPDATE: Translation in Brazilian Portuguese here, thanks Maujor! 更新:这里有巴西葡萄牙语的翻译,谢谢Maujor! OK, so you have an HTML table. Lets turn it into a pie chart with a bit of javascript. OK,所以您…
firebug 控制Update: A better version of what I was trying to do is here. It works around the cross-domain permission problems in IE by not loading a page in the frame, but putting there the actual content. 更新:这里是我尝试做的更好的版本。 通过不…
CSS骇客(CSS hacks) ⇓ skip if you already know about the star and underscore hacks ⇓如果您已经了解星号并强调下划线,请跳过 For most CSS tasks, there are only two hacks that are straighforward to use, easy to spot and maintain (delete down the ro…
javascript正则表达式的基础知识1.javascript 正则对象创建 和 用法 声明javascript 正则表达式 var reCat new RegExp("cat"); 你也可以 var reCat /cat/; //Perl 风格 (推荐)2.学习最常用的 test exec match sear…
在这个规范下,每个.js文件都是一个模块,它们内部各自使用的变量名和函数名都互不冲突,例如,hello.js和main.js都申明了全局变量var s xxx,但互不影响。 …
gdb ldexpC ldexp()函数 (C ldexp() function) ldexp() function is a library function of cmath header, it is used to calculate the value from significand and exponent, it returns the multiplication of significand and 2 raised to the power of the exponent. It…
安卓log.e函数打印示例C log10()函数 (C log10() function) log10() function is a library function of cmath header, it is used to get the common logarithm (the base-10 logarithm) of the given value. It accepts a value (float, double, or long double) and retur…
tf.math.powJavaScript | Math.pow()方法 (JavaScript | Math.pow() Method) Math.pow() is a function in math library of JavaScript that is used to return the value of a number x to the power n (where, x is base and n is exponent. Math.pow()是JavaScript数学库中…
Introduction: 介绍: Dealing and implementing functions daily is the trait of a good and professional developer. You cannot call yourself a good developer if you know nothing about functions in web development. Functions are an indispensable par…
javascript运算符JavaScript删除运算符 (JavaScript delete Operator) "delete" is an operator in JavaScript and it is used to delete a property of an object. After deleting the particular property, that property will not be accessible and returns &qu…
You might think that to check if an object is an array, we can simply use the typeof operator. 您可能会认为,要检查对象是否为数组 ,我们可以简单地使用typeof运算符 。 const var1 10;const str helloconsole.log(typeof var1);console.log(t…
getutcdate()JavaScript日期getUTCDate()方法 (JavaScript Date getUTCDate() method) getUTCDate() method is a Dates class method and it is used to get the current day of the month according to the UTC (Universal time coordinated). getUTCDate()方法是Date的类方法…
puppeteer执行jsHi guys! Today let’s look at another powerful function of the puppeteer API using Node.js part 3. 嗨,大家好! 今天,让我们看看使用Node.js第3部分的puppeteer API的另一个强大功能。 In the last part of this secti…
(Part 1 (intro) is here.) (第1部分(简介)在这里。) Now that we know what to do, lets go for it! First rule of business: load an audio file and play it. 现在我们知道该怎么做,让我们继续吧! 第一要务:加载音频文件并播放。 用户界面…
debug po 失败So I was flipping through recent slides from Steve Souders and came across a reference to a nice post from Pat Meenan explaining how he setup and how you can edit your hosts file to send third party scripts to the bla…
时间:2022-04-14 文章目录报错情况报错原因解决办法2、如果报错Expected v-bind:key directive to use the variables which are defined by the v-for directive.报错原因解决办法报错情况 报错原因
点击上方“果汁简历”,选择“置顶公众号”也许你两个都不知道,也许你除了isEmpty/isNotEmpty/isNotBlank/isBlank外,并不知道还有isAnyEmpty/isNoneEmpty/isAnyBlank/isNoneBlank的存在, come on ,让我们一起来探索org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;这个工具类…
node.js中的回调函数Functions are the very basic and fundamental topic of any programming language. Understanding them in great detail is very much necessary for any programmer or coder. 函数是任何编程语言中非常基本的主题。 对于任何程序员或编码人员而言&…
所以使用iframe打开就相当于是使用浏览器自带的PDF插件打开,这个很好理解。 至于PDFObject,他是借助了embed这个标签,这个标签是什么概念? HTML 元素将外部内容嵌入文档中的指定位置。此内容由…
1. 在Javascript中 声明时用"var"与不用"var"的区别
var a 111;
a 111;两种方式一样吗? var a 11;function test4(){var a 22;}test4();console.log(a);
结果是什么呢? 11
这个好理解, 函数内的var a声明是内部变量,这…
js 项目中常用的方法记录用
1.求平均值 let num arr.reduce((num, item, index) > {if (index ! arr.length - 1) {return num item;} else {return (num item) / arr.length;}
});2. 当前时间 xxxx-xx-xx xx:xx:xx
let date new Date();let year date.getFullYear()…
<canvas canvas-idqrcode></canvas>
var QRCode require(../../utils/weapp-qrcode.js);
var qrcode/*** 生命周期函数--监听页面加载*/onLoad: function (options) {qrcode new QRCode(qrcode, { //qrcode为html中定义的canvas-idtext: "http…
1.js获取时间new data
var myDate new Date();//获取系统当前时间
myDate.getYear(); //获取当前年份(2位)myDate.getFullYear(); //获取完整的年份(4位,1970-????)myDate.getMonth(); //获取当前月份(0-11,0代表1月)myDate.getDate(); //获取当前日(1-…
react引用多个样式It is not as complicated as you might think它并不像您想象的那么复杂 向#StraightToThePoint系列问好 (Say hello to #StraightToThePoint series) NERDJACKING is just launching the #StraightToThePoint series: short stories with no chit-chat, jus…
javascript原型JavaScriptJavaScript JavaScript原型 (JavaScript Prototype) Prototypes are the mechanism by which JavaScript objects inherit features from one another. Prototypes can be used to add properties and methods into existing constructor.原型是一种机…
$.fn.serializeDIV function () { var o {}; var a $([name],this); $.each(a, function () {if (o[]) {o[]","(this.value || );} else {o[] this.value || ;}});return o;
};function getJson(id){ return …
一定注意区分:js语句(代码) 与 js表达式
表达式: 一个表达式会产生一个值,可以放在任何一个需要值的地方
(1). a
(2). ab
(3). demo(1)
(5). function test () {}语句(代码): …
new Date()第3个参数默认为1,就是每个月的1号,把它设置为0时, new Date()会返回上一个月的最后一天,然后通过getDate()方法得到天数
function getMonthDay(year, month) {let days new Date(year, month 1,…
用于年终抽奖或随机点名神器 //获取页面元素var student_box document.getElementById("student_box");//循环生成HTMLvar html "";for (var i 0 ; i < 22; i ) {html <div style"width:120px; height:120px;"><img src"./p…
码字不易,有帮助的同学希望能关注一下我的微信公众号:Code程序人生,感谢!代码自用自取。 话不多说,直接上题。
const data [{id:2,pid:0,path:/course,name:Course,title:课程管理},{id:3,name:CourseOperate,path:o…
码字不易,有帮助的同学希望能关注一下我的微信公众号:Code程序人生,感谢! 上期给大家分享了三道关于Object.defineProperty的面试题,今天再分享一道。这也是百度的面试题。
var obj {a:1,b:2,c:3
for(var k in obj…
Open Flash Chart组件的使用 简介 OpenFlashChart是一个开源的报表制作组件,该组件能够自动生成一个好看的、动态的flash报表;该组件使用flash展示报表能够很好的做到与浏览器进行集成,目前浏览器基本都能很好的支持flash;该组件还…
let numbers [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15]使用for…of循环迭代
for(const n of numbers){console.log(n % 2 0 ? even : odd);使用iterato…
JS中定义对象 定义对象类型 //数据Objectfunction GcMainDto(){this.policyNonull;this.riskCodenull;this.planCodenull;this.itemNonull;this.endorSeqNonull;this.registNonull;}新建数据对象,并操作 var gcEvaluateMainDto new GcEvaluateMainDto();gcMainDto.policyNo &…
// 设置cookie
function setCookie(name,value){var Days 30;var exp new Date();exp.setTime(exp.getTime() Days*24*60*60*1000);document.cookie name “” escape (value) “;expires” exp.toGMTString();
}// 读取cookie
function getCookie(name){var …
在JS中的数据类型有原始的和引用的两种分别。 话不多说,我们直接上代码: var a 10;var b a;console.log(a);console.log(b);这段代码的输出内容大家肯定很熟悉,a:10,b:10。 我们再加入一段代码࿰…
new 等运算符的优先级settimeout 函数和立即执行函数的作用域是全局作用域。但没有this 的话,比如本来应该是this.a改成 a 的话, 就会遵循作用域链函数提升优先于变量提升,但最后的赋值结果看谁是最后赋值的,函数在预编译…
function format(input) { var n parseFloat(input).toFixed(2); var re /(\d{1,3})(?(\d{3})(?:\.))/g; return n.replace(re, "$1,…
方法一:正则分析法复制代码代码如下:function getQueryString(name) { var reg new RegExp("(^|&)" name "([^&]*)(&|$)", "i"); var r; if (r ! null) return unescap…
var a {n:1};
var b a;
a.x a {n:2}console.log(a); // ?
console.log(b); // ?
console.log(a.x) // ?考点分析
1.什么是函数 函数(function)是一段预定义好,并且可以被反复使用的代码块。
2.函数的声明 1)普通函数 function 函数名(){语句块;}2)带参函数 function 函数名(参数列表){ //可以…
5.1 class 属性绑定
在样式绑定中,首先是对元素的 class 属性进行绑定,绑定的数据可以是对象或数组。
5.1.1 对象语法
在应用 v-bind 对元素的 class 属性进行绑定时,可以将绑定的数据设置为一个对象,从而动态地切换元素的 cla…
CTRL , 可以打开设置。
Chinese (Simplified) Language Pack for Visual Studio Code汉化编辑器 Live Server 可以本地服务器的形式来运行html文件,或者项目,实现边改边在浏览器看见效果。 REST Client…
未展开时的效果 鼠标悬浮在其上的效果 需求分析:
在每个 li 里面设置一个图片鼠标移出 ul ,每个 li 的宽度变成240鼠标移入某个 li ,当前 li 的宽度变成…
定义 instanceof运算符用于测试构造函数的prototype属性是否出现在对象的原型链中的任何位置。 —— MDN 简单理解为:instanceof可以检测一个实例是否属于某种类型。
function Foo(){}
const a new Foo()a instanceof Foo // true
a instanceof Object /…
var element document.getElementById("id");
pnpm i vue-router2、创建使用环境
1.src下创建 router文件夹、里面创建index.ts文件
import { createRouter, createWebHistory } from "vue-router";// import Home from ../components/Home.vue//…
JS 基礎:Hoisting 變量提升、TDZ 暫時性死區(Temporal Dead Zone) 文章目錄JS 基礎:Hoisting 變量提升、TDZ 暫時性死區(Temporal Dead Zone)簡介參考正文Scope 作用域varlet、constHoisting 變量提升(對於 var 來說)暫時性死區 TDZ (Temporal Dead Zone…
(一)什么是 HTML DOM?
HTML 的标准对象模型HTML 的标准编程接口W3C 标准
HTML DOM 定义了所有 HTML 元素的对象和属性,以及访问它们的方法。换言之,HTML DO…
vue中如果报错是这个的话 You cannot set a form field before rendering a field associated with the value.那就是说明后端给的字段和你在input的输入框给的字段要不就是多了要不就是少了,一定要一样。 input的框和后端给的时间不一样的话,只要月份&a…
let message "Hello world!";
if (message) {console.log("Value is true");
错误的原因是因为建的文件没有加js后缀,ruguo改为ruguo.js;再安装了code runner插件,再打开ruguo.js文件…
1、前置a (先计算后返回值)
2、后置a (先返回值后计算)
3、比较a a 与 a a 的运算过程
a a为1111(首先a先进行1计算,得到11,再返回a的值,此时a的值为11,a的值为11;然后a先返回值为11再进行1…
function sum(num1,num2) {return num1num2;
rus sum(num1,num2)
//rus sum(7,8)
[Running] node "/Users/ivyone/44.js"
rus sum(num1,num2)^ReferenceError: num1 is not definedat Object.<anonymous&g…
文章目录 0.引言1.第一个ArcgisForJS应用程序1.1.安装部署ArcgisForJS1.2.实现ArcgisForJS应用程序 2.开发与调试工具2.1.集成开发环境2.2.调试工具2.3.Firebug 0.引言
ArcGIS API for JavaScript是一款由Esri公司开发的用于创建WebGIS应用的JavaScript库。它允许开发者通过调…
1. 封装date.js
function showDate() {const date new Date();const yeardate.getFullYear();const monthdate.getMonth()1;const daydate.getDate();const hourdate.getHours();const mindate.getMinutes();const secdate.getSeconds();document.getElemen…
markdown-it 版本是11.0.0 没有’target,_blank’属性,默认打开a标签的链接是本页面,会丢失之前的页面数据,需要在浏览器中新建页面打开,添加以下代码即可解决。
// Remember old renderer, if overridden, or proxy to default …
function myFunction(a,b){return a*b;
API 地址:
Kenneth Reitz’s excellent Requests library has been praised, rightfully, for its excellent API. In fact, its API is so good that it’s been praised in a literary context, as well as by almost every programmer who has come across it. There is no question t…
阿里云 身份提供商As I said in my last post, I recently added Persona Identity Provider functionality to this blog. If you follow me on Twitter (and really, why wouldn’t you?), you might have noticed that this wasn’t an entirely smooth process. 正如我在上…
// 首先看下apply()var obj {name: Nicholas S.Zakas,introduce: function (from) {console.log(hello, everyone, i am, i am from from)}}var obj2 {name: Evan You}obj.introduce.apply(obj2, [china]) // hello, everyone, i am Evan You i am from chinaF…
for of和for in的区别
for of of遍历的是元素item for in in遍历的是索引index 示例代码
let arr [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0];
for (let i of arr) {console.log(i)
math.atan2JavaScript | Math.atan2()方法 (JavaScript | Math.atan2() Method) Math.atan2() is a function in math library of JavaScript that is used to find the arctangent of the quotient of its arguments. The method will return the numeric value which is the …
c 内联函数MHTML and Data URIs in the same CSS file is totally doable and gives us nice support for IE6 and all modern browsers. But the question is - what about inline styles. In other words can you have a single-request web application which bundles toget…
yui css resetThe previous parts are here (building and testing) and here (what gets minified). Now lets see how YUI CSS min handles CSS hacks. 前面的部分在此处(构建和测试)和此处(最小化)。 现在,让我们看看YUI CSS min如何处理CSS hack。 As you know …
Heres a bookmarklet that will tell you whether or not the browser renders your page in Standards Complaiance Mode or Quirks Mode. The bookmarklet will figure this out for the page as well as for all the frames (and their frames) recursively. Enjoy! 这是一个…
获取焦点失去焦点关于 The Focus and The Pocus (a.k.a. is a toy project of mine, started a couple of days ago in a moment when I had so much work on my plate, that the only way to stay relatively sane was to take a break,…
自动填充表单介绍(Intro) So heres the thing, we all know we hate forms, the only thing we hate more than forms themselves is actually filling out forms. But the forms are the interface to our web apps, so we cannot do without them. What we would love to do …
解决ff和ie脚本兼容问题Issue: The page not displayed in IE. "View Source" shows the full source, <title> is displayed OK, but the page is not blank. White screen of death. Nothing. 问题:该页面未在IE中显示。 “查看源代码”显示完整的…
jsdoc动机(Motivation) As your JavaScript grows bigger, it becomes harder to manage. A way to make it more manageable is by documenting properly what each function/method does, what type of parameters it accepts and what it returns. The laziest way do docum…
idea项目结构突然没有了This post talks about a JavaScript that can be used on any web/blog page to auto-generate a Table of Contents. 这篇文章讨论了可以在任何Web /博客页面上用来自动生成目录JavaScript。 动机 (Motivation) Heres the idea Ive playing with: say …
iframe引用父页面样式Heres a JavaScript that lets you style an iframe just like its top parent. The script is basically just a proof of concept I did after talking to a friend about similar problem he has had in the past, so feel free to modify and use if y…
介绍(Introduction) JavaScript is a very flexible object-oriented language when it comes to syntax. In this article you can find three ways of defining and instantiating an object. Even if you have already picked your favorite way of doing it, it helps to k…
Update Jan 30, 2008: updated code based on comments and code from Carl Update Dec 11, 2008: updated the code thanks to the comment from Nolan 2008年1月30日更新:基于Carl的注释和代码更新了代码2008年12月11日:由于Nolan的注释而更新了代码 H…
css懒加载和预加载Preloading components in advance is good for performance. There are several ways to do it. But even the cleanest solution (open up an iframe and go crazy there) comes at a price - the price of the iframe and the price of parsing and execut…
火狐如何扩展firebugAlways wanted to create a Firefox extension? Or a Firebug extension? Heres an easy way to take off the ground, no more excuses. 一直想创建Firefox扩展程序吗? 还是Firebug扩展程序? 这是一种简单的动手方式,无…
ie mhtmlUPDATE: Its very important to have a closing separator in the MHTML document, otherwise there are known issues in IE7 on Vista or Windows 7. The details are here. 更新:在MHTML文档中有一个分隔符非常重要,否则在Vista或Windows 7的…
makefile隐含变量Like its not bad enough that JavaScript has implied globals (forget var and you create a global), but the browsers have decided its a good idea to add more pollution to the global namespace. 好像JavaScript隐含了全局变量还不够糟(忘记var并创建…
前端渐进式渲染2010 update: Lo, the Web Performance Advent Calendar hath moved 2010年更新: Lo, Web Performance Advent Calendar已移动 10/2011 update: You can also read the web page with Romanian translation (by Web Geek Science) 10/2011…
Vue.js 实现响应式的核心是利用了 ES5 的Object.defineProperty,这儿尝试使用Object.defineProperty实现一个响应式对象,帮助理解Vue的深入响应式原理。 直接上代码:
let x{};
let value 10;
1、单行 If-Else 语句这是许多编程语言的共同特征。你可以使用三元运算符用一行代码编写整个语句,而不是在多行上编写 if-else。例如:const age 12;
let ageGroup;// LONG FORM
if (age > 18) {ageGroup "An adult";
} else {ageGroup &…
文章为翻译,原文见底部链接。老外也很会写标题,标题可能有 XX 党嫌疑,但是部分内容还是挺有用的。JavaScript 可以做很多神奇的事情!从复杂的框架到处理 API,有太多的东西需要学习。但是,它也能让你只用一行…
警察规范执法案例Whenever a cop car pulls up beside or behind me while driving, I get nervous. My mouth becomes dry, leading to that little white crusty stuff in the corners of my lips. My breathing becomes irregular, and my heart speeds up enough for me to…
作者:wsafight,原文:在开发 web 应用程序时,性能都是必不可少的话题。对于webpack打包的单页面应用程序而言,我们可以采用很多方式来对性能进行优化,比方说…
交互模式和非交互模式】When programming in Python, you have two basic options for running code: interactive mode and script mode. Distinguishing between these modes can be slightly confusing for beginners, especially when you’re trying to follow along with…
When performing data science tasks, it’s common to want to use data found on the internet. You’ll usually be able to access this data in csv format, or via an Application Programming Interface(API). However, there are times when the data you want can onl…
var z1,yztypeof y;
console.log(y);//undefined由于typeof的优先级大于,所以先执行ytypeof y,返回结果undefined。之后的赋值操作从右往左依次执行。所以结果为undefined 2.执行顺序
var a glabol;
function test(){console.log(a);var a local
导入element ui时选择的是按需导入,需要在element.js中引入相应组件。
import { ElForm } from element-plus
import { ElButton } from element-plus
import { ElFormItem } from element-plus
import { ElInput } from element-plus
import lang from element-pl…
// Bad
conststudent db.
(student !
var a 10,b 11,c 12;
function test(a) {a 1;var b 2;c 3;
console.log(a, b, c);2、
var a 4;
function b(x, y, a) {console.log(a);arguments[2] 10;console.log(a);
a b(1, 2, 3);
function fn(x, y) {/!** EC(FN)* 作…
技术重要还是业务重要For some themed location /foo/bar, you want “bar” and everything below it to look different than “foo”. 对于某些主题位置/ foo / bar,您希望“ bar”及其下面的所有内容看起来都不同于“ foo”。 I had to do a bit of placeful t…
java awt画布Canvas is a GUI component that creates a rectangular box on the screen. It can be used to draw shapes or print text, it acts as a canvas. It can also be used to take user inputs. It is called so because it is like a canvas on which artists draw…
ruby 执行函数Ruby中的push()函数 (push() function in Ruby) You may have studied the logic to create the push() function in data structure manually which is used in Stack to push the element to the top of the stack. Likewise, in Ruby, we have a predefined li…
javascript 注释Like other programming languages, in JavaScript comments can be used to prevent the execution of the statements. Whenever we want to ignore the statements or any text/document from execution, we use comments. 像其他编程语言一样, J…
css绝对定位手机差异Continuing from last night... 从昨晚开始... First, two twitter responses pointed to even more readily-available options for comparing screenshots. One is Wraith from BBC engineers which supports Firefox/Gecko (via SlimerJS) in addition t…
js webaudio音量How about generating some noise in JavaScript? 如何在JavaScript中产生一些噪音? Demo is here: oscillator. 演示在这里:振荡器。 这是如何运作的? (How does this work?) Using HTML Web Audio you can synthesize aud…
javascript优化2010 update: Lo, the Web Performance Advent Calendar hath moved 2010年更新: Lo, Web Performance Advent Calendar已移动 Dec 20 This article is part of the 2009 performance advent calendar experiment. Todays article is a se…
1、先讲讲JQuery的概念,JQuery首先是由一个 America 的叫什么 John Resig的人创建的,后来又很多的JS高手也加入了这个团队。其实 JQuery是一个JavaScript的类库,这个类库集合了很多功能方法,利用类库你可以用简单的一些代码实现一…
function getUrlParam(name) {var reg new RegExp("(^|&)" name "([^&]*)(&|$)"); //构造一个含有目标参数的正则表达式对象var r; //匹配目标参数if (r ! null) return unesc…
DOM(Document Object Model 文档对象模型) 一个web页面的展示,是由html标签组合成的一个页面,dom对象实际就是将html标签转换成了一个文档对象。可以通过dom对象中js提供的方法,找到html的各个标签。通过找到标签就可以操作标签使页面动起来。…
1.时间戳转换为XXXX-XX-XX HH:MM:SStimeFunc(value) {//value为时间戳 let time new Date(parseInt(value) * 1000); function add0(m) { return m < 10 ? 0 m : m } let y time.getFullYear(); let m time.getMonth()…
function getURLParam(param){//正则表达式,以起始符或&为起始点参数名等于以非&起始的任意字符,以&或结束符为终止点var reg new RegExp("(^|&)" param "([^&]*)(&|$)");//substr返回一个…
wx.getSystemInfoSync(),//获取设备信息try {const res wx.getSystemInfoSync()console.log(res.model)console.log(res.pixelRatio)console.log(res.windowWidth)console.log(res.windowHeight)console.log(res.language)console.log(res.version)console.log(res.platform)
1、function 关键字
function fn(){}2、函数表达式(匿名函数)
var fn function(){}3、new Function()
var f new Function(a, b, console.log(a b));
f(1, 2);var fn new Function(参数1,参数2..., 函数体)
/*Function 里面…
new Date().format("yyyy-MM-dd ")
/*** 日期时间工具类* type {{dateFormat}}*/
var DateTime function () {var patterns {PATTERN_ERA: G, // Era 标志符 Era strings. For example: "AD" and "BC"PATTERN_YEAR: y, // 年…
import React, {useEffect} from react;
import {Form,DatePicker,} from antd;
function example(){const [form] Form.useform();useEffect(()>{....//searchdata是按原样用form…
基础架构高可用性设计原则重点 (Top highlight)Also published on my website.还发布在 我的网站上 。 目录 (Table of contents) What is Infrastructure as CodeKey Principles- Idempotency- ImmutabilityPatterns and Practices- Everything in Source Control- Modulariz…
Html 定时任务
<script type"text/javascript">
var i 10;
function remainTime(){ if(i0){ location.href<%path%>; } document.getElementById(endtime).innerHTMLi--; setTimeout("remainTime()",1000);
tomcat gzip等配置 An example of a HTTP Connector configuration with compression enabled could be: <Connector port"8080" protocol"HTTP/1.1" maxHttpHeaderSize"8192"maxThreads"150" minSpareThreads"25" maxS…
1、forEach (1)作用:对数组的每个元素执行一次给定的函数。 (2)参数:回调函数(处理的当前元素,索引,当前操作的数组)、this的值(可选) (3)返回值:undefined let arr [1, 2, 3];
let sum 0;
arr.forEach(function (va…
let arr1 [1,3,5,7,9]
let arr2 [2,4,6,8,10]
console.log(...arr1); //展开一个数组 1 3 5 7 9
let arr3 [...arr1,...arr2]//连接数组[1,3,5,7,9,2,4,6,8,10]解构赋值
let a [1,2,3,4,5,6]
let [c,...d] a
console.log(c); // 1
console.log(d); // [2,3,4,5…
匹配模式: g-全局、i-不区分大小写、m-多行匹配 字面量:
var pattern1 /[bc]at/i;
var pattern2 new RegExp("[bc]at", "i");RegExp属性: global:布尔值,是否设置了g标志 ignoreCase࿱…
/*** Initializes the tags input behaviour on the element*/build: function(options) {var self this;self.options $.extend({}, defaultOptions, options);// When itemValu…
话不多说,直接上代码 后端代码
public class CookieUtil {// 获取Cookie的方法public st…
var o {hobby: abc}
function test(){console.log(this.hobby);
前言 javascript和jQuery在前端开发中发挥着巨大的作用,在面试的过程中这也是不可缺少的话题吧!故搜集了一些面试会遇到的问题,与大家共享!
(function(){var a b …
function arrRandom() {let arr [];for (let i 0; i < 10; i) {let num parseInt(Math.random() * 500);arr.push(num);}return arr;
/**sort 排序*/
let arr arrRandom();
arr.sort((a, b) > a - b);
console.log("sort-----" ar…
export function deleteRe(arr) {const temp {},//用于id判断重复result [];//最后的新数组//遍历c数组,将每个item.id在temp中是否存在值做判断,for(let i 0, len arr.length; i < len; i) {const item arr[i];if(!temp[]){result.pus…
var amount parseFormatNum("123456",0); 结果为:123,456
var amount parseFormatNum("123456",1); 结果为:123,456.0
var amount parseFormatNum("123456",2); 结果为:123,456.0…
* 研究使用webpack也有一段时间了,现在终于有了大概的认识和了解,下边是一个简单的例子,不懂的朋友可以照猫画虎,哈哈
* */
var fs require(fs);
var path require(path);
var nodeModules {};
var arrays [1,2,3,2,4,6,5,7]function unique (arrray) {var result[]//请编程实现数组去重return result;} 1.ES6的set对象去重
result [ Set(array)];2.利用对象属性的唯一性
let obj {};for (let i of array) {if (!obj[i]) {result.push(i);obj[i]…
replace var str hello worldvar a str.replace(l, L)console.log(a);//heLlo world如果需要替换的是字符串,则就进行一次替换
var str hello worldvar a str.replace(/l/g, L)console.log(a);如果进行全局搜索,则全部替换
let c (item.value.toString().indexOf(.) ! -1) ?…
document -> html -> head body ->p ul document.getElementById(‘ul1’) oul.childNodes.length oul.childNodes[i].style.backgroud”red” childNodes:包含元素节点和文本节点。 元素节点1 文本节点3 属性节点2 children:只包含元素节点。
var time function(){var datenew Date();//年var yeardate.getFullYear();//月var month(date.getMonth()1)<10?"0"(date.getMonth()1):(date.getMonth()1);//日var daydate.getDate()<10?"0"date.getDate():date.getDate();//时var hhdate.getH…
function fn(){return 10
var afn
var bfn()
这里写目录标题一级目录原型的初步认识没有原型的对象也是存在的原型方法与对象方法优先级函数拥有多个长辈js中的prototype和__proto__的区别:自定义对象的原型设置constructor引用hasOwnProperty 和 in 属性检测差异改变构造函数不是继承 继承是原型的继承多态原型…
研究了一下js的动态生成div功能。特此一记: <script type"text/javascript" >
var i1;
function cDiv(){
var oDivdocument.createElement("div");"1px solid black";"500px";
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN""">
<head><meta charset"UTF-8"><title>Title</title>
场景描述 总裁小说网我的书架收藏了几本小说,其中部分小说我不想收藏了,利用python自动登录,删除书架里面不想要的小说,例如删除《万界仙王》… 代码
# codingutf-8
from selenium import webdriver
import time
from selenium.w…
let imgReg /<img.?(?:>|/>)/gi //匹配图片中的img标签 let srcReg /src[’"]?([^’"])[’"]?/i // 匹配图片中的src let arr str.match(imgReg) //筛选出所有的img let srcArr [] for (let i 0; i < arr.length; i) { let src arr[i].ma…
有时候用webpack打包,引入的require文件中有报错,是由于严格模式引起的。es6自动打包成es5会加上严格模式。如何取消掉,直接在webpack配置文件中设置: var config {entry: {home: buildBundle( home ),},output: {path: BUILD_DI…
I have an array of integers, and Im using the .push() method to add elements to it.
Is there a simple way to remove a specific element from an array? The equivalent of something like array.remo…
/获取参数/ function getQueryString(name) { var reg new RegExp(“(^|&)” name “([^&]*)(&|$)”, “i”); var r decodeURI(; if (r ! null) return unescape(r[2]); return null; }
BOM:Browser Object Model 是浏览器对象模型,浏览器对象模型提供了独立与内容的、可以与浏览器窗口进行互动的对象结构,BOM由多个对象构成,其中代表浏览器窗口的window对象是BOM的顶层对象,…
var x myFunction(7, 8); // 调用函数,返回值被赋值给 xfunction myFunction(a, b) {return a * b; // 函数返回 a 和 b 的乘积
var x myFunction(7, 8); // 调用函数&…
var Chain{a1:function(){console.log(a1);return this;},a2:function(){console.log(a2);return this;},a3:function(){console.log(a3);return this;}};Chain.a1().a2().a3();
django 排序Unfortunately, the django-sphinx module is not very thoroughly documented. One thing which I could not figure out is how to do sorting. I thought that I had to set some kind of keyword argument on the SphinxSearch instance… (I have to admit tho…
pytest 测试类If you want to run a profiler over your pytest cases (including underlying code), the easiest way is to run pytest directly using cPython: 如果要在pytest实例(包括基础代码)上运行事件探查器 ,最简单的方法是直接使用…
js 实现存储Map 结构的数据
<script type"text/javascript"> function Map() { var struct function(key, value) { this.key key; this.value value; } var put function(key, value){ for (var i 0; i < this.arr.length; i) { if (…
首先,ajax中的四个字母的意思分别是: a : async 异步 j : JavaScript a : and x : XML ajax请求是一个异步的 JavaScript 和 XML 的数据交互
ajax技术最初只能和 XML格式的内容进行交互 现在发展到可以和任意的后端程序内容进行交互
简介三年前,我们发表了一篇文章给大家介绍了业务代码解构利器SWAK,SWAK是Swiss Army Knife的简称,众所周知,瑞士军刀是一款小巧灵活、适用于多种场景的工具。在闲鱼服务端,SWAK框架也是这样一种小巧灵活、适用于多种场…
虚拟教练by DALLE miniace????播报一则消息: 东京奥运会美国冲浪运动员Carissa Moore在女子冲浪比赛中夺冠,取得了奥运史上的首枚冲浪项目的金牌。无界引用我超喜欢程序猿的一句diss用语:Talk is cheap , show me the code无界&#x…
spline一款用于交互式3D内容创作的设计工具A design tool, for 3dEasily create and publish 3D web experiences. Build and iterate fast with production-ready results.这款设计工具,可使用2D方式进行3D设计,用户无需3D设计基础,除了支持…
科技是答案,但原来的问题是什么? ——塞德里克普莱斯 “Technology is the answer, but what was the question?” (Cedric Price)关于未竟的建筑 “Fun Palace”2021年4月29日,晚。适合躺(shuaÿ…
No.60 ????#产品# #图像# #社交媒体# 小而美的产品 | Cover images that get you followers为你生成个人的头图,用于社交媒体的个人页面设置。????#简历##产品#使用领英的数据生成个人页面Vitaely ????#数字内容##智能产品#帮助你更好地创作内…
The design tool forAnyone can have great ideas,but not everyone is a designer!Uizard 一款个性化的,由AI驱动的设计助手,以帮助那些没有设计或编码知识的人创建自定义Web和移动应用程序和原型。Uizard的软件可以在几秒钟内将任何灵感来源…
json对象加json对象We have heard time and again that everything in JavaScript is an object. 我们一次又一次地听到JavaScript中的所有东西都是对象。 This very fact was extensively used to weave the lightweight super popular data format called JSON. In JSON, al…
安卓log.e函数打印示例C log2()函数 (C log2() function) log2() function is a library function of cmath header, it is used to get the binary logarithm (the base-2 logarithm) of the given value. It accepts a value (float, double, or long double) and returns t…
作者:正经程序员链接:学习前端开发时,几乎最先学习的就是console.log()。毕竟多数人的第一行代码都是:console.log( Hello World );console对象提供了对于浏览器调试控制台的访问&am…
Introduction: 介绍: So far, we have learned so many functions but learning never gets enough, therefore as a good developer, we must learn as many functions as we can and know their behavior with the help of practical implementations. But why d…
在JavaScript中获取当前UTC时间 (Getting current UTC time in JavaScript) To get the current UTC time in JavaScript, we need to use three library functions of Date class, 要使用JavaScript获取当前UTC时间 ,我们需要使用Date类的三个库函数, …
puppeteer apiNode.js和Puppeteer API上的项目 (Project on Node.js and Puppeteer API ) 使用Node.js和Express将表单提交转换为PDF (Converting Form Submission to PDF with Node.js and Express) Hi guys! We have spoken a lot about interaction with web pages and form…
appweb ejsHi! Welcome. Today, we are going to look at EJS layouts. EJS Layouts make very important use of EJS. Have you ever tried to imagine if social media websites create a new webpage for every user? 嗨! 欢迎。 今天,我们将看一下E…
awk asortPHP asort()函数 (PHP asort() function) asort() function is used to sort an associative array in ascending order based on the values, as we know that an associative array contains keys and values, this method sorts an array according to the values.…
js同步阻塞Update Oct 2013: for a more bulletproof version, tested in the wild, IE and all, check Philips snippet at 2013年10月更新:要获得在野外,IE和所有环境中经过测试…
lrint函数C lrint()函数 (C lrint() function) lrint() function is a library function of cmath header, it is used to round the given value and convert it to a long integer. It accepts a value (float, double, or long double) and returns a long integer value a…
ruby字符串截取字符串Ruby| 倒弦 (Ruby | Reversing string) Here, we are implementing a Ruby program to reverse a string. 在这里,我们正在实现一个Ruby程序来反转字符串。 Methods used: 使用的方法: gets: This method is a public instance me…
在Django中创建和使用MasterPages (Creating and Using MasterPages in Django) MasterPages are a type Template that are used to implement common design across the web applications. MasterPages是一种Template类型,用于在整个Web应用程序中实施通用设计。 …
js 画布翻转Today our family went to the yearly photo session with the girls. We took one shot that can be looked normally, as well as upside down, so I was wondering can you flip an image using a canvas tag. Turns out, yes, you can and its pretty easy. 今…
A quick function to replace the selected text (in Firefox). Accepts: 替换所选文本的快速功能(在Firefox中)。 接受: string to replace the selection, or 字符串来替换选择,或者 callback function that takes the selected text and returns a st…
How does this look like? 看起来如何? o[""]()A bit like a syntax error, eh? Or an emoticon of some sort. Well, its valid JavaScript code. 有点像语法错误,是吗? 或某种表情符号。 嗯,这是有效JavaScript代码…
题库选项随机排序显示When sorting an array, for example by using sort() there are three constants you can use to determine how the sorting will work: 在对数组进行排序时(例如,通过使用sort()),可以使用三个常量来确定排序的工作方式ÿ…
javascript 传奇The problem in question is how to find out a dynamically included JavaScript file is actually loaded. The concept of JavaScript includes is here, the IE-only solution is here. The IE solution is to use the onreadystatechange event that is fi…
New hotness, speech input. (The demo, the demo) 新的热点,语音输入。 (演示,演示) You get an input: 您得到输入: <input> <input> You add an x-webkit-speech attribute 您添加一个x-webkit-speech属性 <input x-webki…
调试ie9有两个ie进程Here are two bookmarklets that could make your life easier when trying to figure out why in IE a page behave as wrong as it behaves. For Firefox we have Firebug, so none of this is necessary. For IE we have also Firebug lite (see my post…
Update: Easier way to get top X URLs:, thanks souders 更新:获取顶部X URL的更简单方法: http : // ,谢谢souders Update: found and commented an offensive try{}catch(e){thr…
stl vector 函数C vector :: data()函数 (C vector::data() function) vector::data() is a library function of "vector" header, it is used to access the vector elements, it returns a pointer to the memory array used by the internally by the vector to…
PHP array_product()函数 (PHP array_product() function) array_product() function is used to find the product of all elements (values) of an array, this method accepts an array and returns the product of all values. array_product()函数用于查找数组的所有元素(…
ruby arrayRuby Array.combination()方法 (Ruby Array.combination() Method) In the last article, we have seen how we can make use of the Array.collect method. Array.collect method is quite similar to methods because both the methods are used to crea…
copyvalueof字符串copyValueOf()方法 (String copyValueOf() Method) copyValueOf() is a String method in Java and it is used to create a string with given character array i.e. it accepts a character array and returns a string. In other words, we can say copyVa…
electron自定义边框Electron JS本机菜单API (Electron JS Native Menu API) An application menu is common in most native desktop applications, just like the example below; 就像下面的示例一样,应用程序菜单在大多数本机桌面应用程序中很常见。 There are s…
touppercase字符串toUpperCase()方法 (String toUpperCase() Method) toUpperCase() Method is a string method in JavaScript, it is used to converts all alphabets in uppercase and returns the new string with uppercase alphabets. toUpperCase()方法是JavaScript中的…
indexof方法Prerequisite: 先决条件: JavaScript String indexOf() Method JavaScript字符串indexOf()方法 JavaScript String search() Method JavaScript字符串search()方法 Though indexOf() and search() both methods are used to check whether a substring …
java awt 选择框The Choice class provides a pop-up menu to the user. The user is capable of choosing one of the options from the list. The selected item appears at the top. This class is often used when there is a large number of options to choose from and …
sinh函数C sinh()函数 (C sinh() function) sinh() function is a library function of cmath header, it is used to find the hyperbolic sine of the given value (hyperbolic angle), it accepts a number (x) and returns the hyperbolic sine of x. 双曲正弦()函数是CMA…
c语言fmod函数C floor()函数 (C floor() function) fmod() function is a library function of cmath header, it is used to find the remainder of the division, it accepts two numbers (numerator and denominator) and returns the floating-point remainder of numerat…
count()函数stlC STL std:count()函数 (C STL std:count() function) The C STL contains the function std::count(), which is used to find the occurrence of the particular element in the given range. You can use this function with an array, string, v…
1、 属性
2、 方法
var student {//属性name : "xiaoming",birth : 1997,//方法age : function (){let now new Date().getFullYear();return now - this.birth;}
服务器端响应的数据格式 在真实的项目中,服务端大多数情况下会以json对象作为响应数据对象,当客户端拿到响应数据时 要将json数据和html字符串进行拼接,然后将拼接的结果展示在页面中 1、js同步异步 var i, t for(i …
集成react环境Say hello to the new perf hotness - a profiler built into React. This announcement blog post shows how to use it as a Chrome Extension, but you can also use it in your code, to get insight into real world interactions, even in production. Lets…
社交网站facebooktl;dr: Add data-lazy"true" to your Facebook social plugins that are below the fold and reap the benefits. tl; dr:将data-lazy"true"到首屏以下的Facebook社交插件中并获得好处。 In code: 在代码中: // be…
stylelintStylelint is a great new modern unopinionated CSS linter. Its a must for any project beyond test.html. Stylelint是一款很棒的新型现代无污染CSS短绒。 对于test.html以外的任何项目,这都是必须的。 After my last post about always adding generi…
getusermediaOpera 12 wins - the first stable desktop browser to ship getUserMedia(). I believe they had shipped it already in a mobile version of the browser. Opera 12获胜-第一个稳定的桌面浏览器发布getUserMedia() 。 我相信他们已经在浏览器的移动版本中发布了…
词法分析器I have so much stuff to do and Ive been feeling a little overwhelmed lately. Not depressed, because its next to impossible to be depressed at a climate including 320 sunny days a year and a beach. So I thought why not drop everything and relax. I…
I talked before about using an object element to load scripts and styles without executing/applying them to the current document. And this is nice for preloading assets - faster and less error-prone than simple inclusion if the document or iframe. 我之前讨…
上海地铁站图路线图2010 update: Lo, the Web Performance Advent Calendar hath moved 2010年更新: Lo, Web Performance Advent Calendar已移动 Dec 1 This is the first in the series of performance articles as part of my 2009 performance adven…
var mfalse;
var n6;
var r(m||n);
var otrue;
var p(m||n||r);
js中有三个截取字符的方法,分别是substring()、substr()、slice()。这三个方法都可以对字符串进行截取,并且返回一个新的字符串,原字符串不会改变。例如: res abcdefgh;console.log(res);res1 res.substr(1, 3);console.log(res…
Kubernetes 解决/var/run/secret/ no such file or directory问题 kubectl get serviceaccount NAME SECRETS default 0 如果没有则需要添加 在apiserver的启动参数中添加: --admission_controlServiceAccount apiserver在…
浏览器默认使用的是 encodeURI 对汉字进行的编码 所以在解码的时候就需要使用decodeURI 而不是 unescape
function getQueryString(name) { var reg new RegExp("(^|&)" name "([^&]*)(&|$)", "i"); var r window.location.sea…
ul li遍历
var list document.getElementsByTagName("li");
for (var i 0; i < list.length; i) {$li list[i];
$(#div).find(li).each(function() {$(this).click(function() {// 控制台打印日志console.log($(this).index());})
})var terrain…
var num 10
var obj { num: 20 }
obj.fn (function (num) {this.num num * 3numreturn function (n) {this.num n numconsole.log(num) }
var fn obj.fn
console.log(num, obj.num)你认为的结果是什么&am…
本文来源于阿里云-云栖社区,原文请点击这里。 Vue.js 使用了基于 HTML 的模版语法,允许开发者声明式地将 DOM 绑定至底层 Vue 实例的数据。所有 Vue.js 的模板都是合法的 HTML ,所以能被遵循规范的浏览器和 HTML 解析器解析。 在底层的实现上…
function getOtherBro(currentObj,type) {var a [];var p currentObj…
文章目录原因特点Passsive mixed contentActive mixed content解决原因
The page at was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an ins…
var html_1 ; var str msgs[i].cve_return; var xqo eval(( str )); for(var ii in xqo){ html_1 <a target"_blank" hr…
注意:直接引入script的话,可能会报错:Bmap is not defined
export function MP(ak) {return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {window.onload function () {resolve(BMap…
vue实现组件无限滚动If you’ve ever caught yourself on social media for way too long, chances are the site you were on was using an infinite scrolling component.如果您在社交媒体上陷入困境的时间过长,那么您所在的网站很可能正在使用无限滚动组件 。 A…
chrome 前端插件The Chrome extension can greatly extend the functions of Chrome and has a huge market and commercial value. As a front-end programmer, can you write a Chrome extension?Chrome扩展程序可以极大地扩展Chrome的功能,并具有巨大的市场和商…
vue 全局组件注册With the new versions of Vue3 out now, it’s useful to start learning how the new updates will change the way we write code. One example is the changes in the way we write our index.js file (the file that handles creating our Vue app).随着新…
前端单元测试 集成测试Unit Testing is one of the essential tools every developer should use. However, I have seen many projects making it difficult to carry out this as a practice. There are many reasons for this. For example, some might say they need to fo…
react 组件中使用组件Sometimes at the time when we are creating a component we don’t know its children in advance. In that case we can use the special children prop to pass children elements into the output.有时在创建组件时,我们并不事先知道其子代…
可以用 v-on 指令监听 DOM 事件,并在触发时运行一些 JavaScript 代码。事件类型由参数指定。表达式可以是一个方法的名字或一个内联语句,如果没有修饰符也可以省略。用在普通元素上时,只能监听原生 DOM 事件,用在自定义元素组件上…
/*** 关闭提示窗*/
function guanbi(){$(#ceshi).window(close);
}/*** 页面加载时右下角弹出提示审批框操作*/
function sliderelay(index){${id:ceshi,title:审批消息,msg:您有<font size"4" color"red">index</font>张表单需…
function obj$(id) //根据id得到对象
function val$(id) //根据id得到对象的值
function trim(str) //删除左边和右边空格
function ltrim(str) //删除左边空格
function rtrim(str) //删除右边空格
function isEmpty(str) //字串是否有值
function equals(str1, str2) //js判断…
Web 本地存储 Web Storage API 关键对象 window.sessionStorage对象用于区域存储;window.localStorage对象用于本地存储。特点 数据的设置和读取比较方便。容量较大,sessionStorage大约为5MB,localStorage大约为20MB。只能存储字符串…
Web(vue)本地存储 Web Storage API 关键对象 window.sessionStorage对象用于区域存储;window.localStorage对象用于本地存储。 特点 数据的设置和读取比较方便。容量较大,sessionStorage大约为5MB,localStorage大约为20MB。只能存储字符串&am…
JavaScript字符串常用方法 (1)获取相应位置的字符(charAt()) var str"你好,小小鸟!"
var sstr.charAt(1) //获取到索引为1的字符:好 (2)把字符串里所有的字符转换为小写(toLowerCase()) var str"chINA"
var sstr.toLow…
注意: 针对单个复选框的情况!
原文地址: var obj document.getElementById("tt"); var value obj.checked; alert(value);// 若选中,则返回true…
话不多说,我们先看代码: function f (){fff 999;}f();console.log(fff);我们定义了一个名为 f 的函数,函数内没有对变量进行声明,直接给 fff 变量进行了赋值,并且在外部调用了 f 函数,我们输出一下 fff 的…
数组转字符串(将数组元素用某个字符连接成字符串)var a, b;a new Array(0,1,2,3,4);b a.join("-");字符串转数组(将字符串按某个字符切割成若干个字符串,并以数组形式返回)var s "abc,abcd,aaa"…
闭包是有权访问另一个函数作用域的变量的函数。 举个例子:
function bibao(){function xiaoyi(){console.log("被调用了");}return xiaoyi();
var bb new bibao();
function bibao(){function xiaoyi(str){console.log(str)…
/*open method (get post)url 纯净的地址params 参数*/
function ajax(method,url,fn,params){console.log("进入方法");var xhr new XMLHttpRequest();// GET 有参数if(method.…
#页面标签及概述1JavaScriptJavaScript, Landing, Learn, priority本部分将专注于 JavaScript 语言本身,而非局限于网页或其他限制环境。2Introduction to using XPath in JavaScriptDOM, Extensions, Transforming_XML_with_XSLT, Web Development, XPath该篇文档描…
近来在面试中总能遇见问for,for in ,forEach,的区别及使用场景,有无返回值,是否改变原数组的问题。一直也没注意,在项目中用的最多的就是map,for,filter了,所以面试官一问,就歇菜了,今天特意整理了一下区别…
箭头函数是ES6新增的写法,那为什么要增加这样的写法呢?它与普通函数有哪些区别呢? 区别一:箭头函数语法更加简洁
// 普通函数写法
function fn(x) {return function(y) {return x y;};
}// 箭头函数写法
let fn x > y > …
var isOneByOneExpandfalse;//是否递归展开 //展开节点 function expendNode(nodeId){ var node treeObj.getNodeByParam("id",nodeId); treeObj.expandNode(node, true, true, true,true); } //展开所有节点 function expendAllNode(){ isOneByOneExpandtrue; ex…
在JavaScript中所有的数都是用double表示的,因此当你用a/b时,如果无法整除则会出现小数。 举个例子:
let a 5,b 3;
1.6666666666666667那么我们想要整除应该怎么办呢? 可以使用Math.fl…
var a 1.5;
console.log(~~a); // 1但是这种方法有点限制就是它只能进行向下取整,无法实现四舍五入。
所以就想到了toLocaleString() 方法…
DOM 文章目录DOM1、DOM编程-获取文本框的value2、DOM编程-innerHTML和innerText操作div和span3、DOM编程-关于正则表达式4、去除字符串的前后空白trim5、表单验证6、复选框的全选和取消全选7、获取下拉列表选中项的value8、内置支持类ArrayJSON1、JSON基本概念2、复杂一些的JSO…
最近有个页面需要实现,验证码发送后,进行60s的倒计时, 代码:
var flag 1;
var i 60;
function countDown() {i i - 1;$("#authText").html(i"秒后重新发送");if (i 0) {$("#authText").html(&q…
全局执行环境是window对象,因此所有全局变量和函数都是作为window对象的属性和方法创建的。 每个函数都有自己的执行环境(注意,是函数,不是对象) 对象的方法中的this,指的是调用者。 var myobj new Object…
类选择器兼容性 getbyclass()类选择器,在IE8及以下均不可用。 // 类选择器的兼容性 function getbyclass(parentName,Name){ var parentNamedocument.getElementById(parentName); // 通过标签名通配符选择所有父容器内的元素 var allparentName.getElementsByTagName("*&…
var a [1,2,3], b [2,3,4,5];
// 交集---[2,3]
var intersection a.filter(item > b.indexOf(item) > -1)
// 并集---[1,2,3,4,5]
var union a.concat(b.filter(item > a.indexOf(item) -1))交集的逻辑就是将b在a里边…
function HhtmlColorToRGB(color) {
var str"0x" color.substring(1,color.length);
var rstr&0x0000FF;
var g(str&0x00FF00)>>8;
var b(str&0xFF0000)>>16;
return b "," g "," r;
function getParameter(name) {var reg new RegExp("(^|&)" name "([^&]*)(&|$)","i");var r;if (r!null) return (r[2]); return null;
数组求和 for循环求和 let arr [1,2,3,4,5]function sum(arr){let sum 0;for(let index 0;index<arr.length;index){sum arr[index]}return sum }console.log(sum(arr))map-reduce求和 let arr [1,2,3,4,5]
function sumMap(arr){let sum,index,arr)…
var , let , 和 const 是 JavaScript 中用于声明变量的关键字,它们之间有一些区别:
var :在ES5及之前的版本中使用的声明变量的关键字。它具有以下特点:
函数作用域: var 声明的变量的作用域是函数级的,它…
1.for 循环实现数组的深拷贝
var arr [1,2,3,4,5]
var arr2 copyArr(arr)
function copyArr(arr) {let res []for (let i 0; i < arr.length; i) {res.push(arr[i])}return res
}2.slice 方法实现数组的深…
▊ 函数的定义
// 命名函数
function fun() {};// 匿名函数
var fun function() {};// 对象方式
var fun new Function(参数1, 参数2, 函数体); // 注意全是字符串形式// 前两种比较常用;第三种效率较低
// 但从第三种书写方式中,我们要理解这样的思想…
本文参考自电子书《ECMAScript 6 入门》: let 和 const 命令
1. let 命令
尽量使用 let 声明变量,而不是 var。let 声明的变量是块级作用域, var 声明的变量是全局作用域。使用 let 变量必须先声明再使用&#…
for in(key)
for in 可以遍历数组和对象, 得到的是对象的属性集合或string类型的数组下标 特点: 1. 得到的数组下标类型是string 2. 遍历对象的时候可以遍历原型上的属性 3. 遍历的顺序可能不是实际内部的顺序 for in一般会用来遍…
两种写法 //var re new RegExp(a) //js风格var re /a/ //perl风格var str abcdefalert(
忽略大小写 i
var re new RegExp(a, i) //js风格
var re /b/i //perl风格 实例:挑出字符串里的数字 var str 33 uu8798 i09 ij--879pp 99alert(str.mat…
js中给出关于回调函数的解释为: A callback is a function that is passed as an argument to another function and is executed after its parent function has completed. 意思就是说,回调函数是与其他另外一个函数异步进行的,并且该函数是…
1. Vue的响应式原理
let nextTick (cb) > Promise.resolve().then(cb)
let flushJobs []
function queueJob(dep) {flushJobs.push(dep)// 微任务,最后执行,真正执行数据操作函数nextTick(flushJobs)
function flushJobs(job) {// 拿出队列中的所…
Clipboard:黏貼簿操作 文章目錄Clipboard:黏貼簿操作簡介參考正文Install 安裝CDNNPMCreate 創建對象(官方 Setup)參數說明SampleUsage in Html 標籤用法1. Action 執行動作(data-clipboard-action)2. Target 參照目標(data-clipboard-target)3. Text 操…
function queryStringFromParams(params) {const arr []for (const k in params) {const val encodeURIComponent(params[k])arr.push(${k}${val})}return arr.join(&)
const PI Math.PI
// 长半轴
const SMA 6378245.0
// 地…
var newTime new Date();
Document 对象中的方法介绍
document.getElementById(elementId):通过标签的 id 属性查找标签 dom 对象,elementId 是标签的 id 属性值document.getElementsByName(elementName):通过标签的 name 属性查找标签 dom 对象,elementName 标签的 name 属性值…
let cc 15000;
toFixed(); // 接收一个参数,0~20;比如15000需要变成1.5万那直接
let h cc / 10000;
h.toFixed() 万 // 如果后面不是0是其他数字那就直接h.toFixed()toPrecision(); // 不接收0这个参数;js Math对象也可以列举一个
function fmoney(s, n) { n n > 0 && n < 20 ? n : 2; s parseFloat((s ).replace(/[^\d\.-]/g, )).toFixed(n) ; var l s.split(.) [0].split().reverse(), …
function Star (uname,uage,usex){ uname;this.age uage;th…
var id_array new Array();$(input:checkbox[nameitem]:checked).each(function(){ id_array.push($(this).parents(td).siblings(.planId).attr(id));//向数组中添加元素 });
此时的id_array 就是所有复选框为选中状态的id each() 方法规定为每个匹配元素规定运行的函数。…
我们在项目过程中,有时候会遇到需要将两个数组合并成为一个的情况。比如: var a [1,2,3];var b [4,5,6]; 有两个数组a、b,需求是将两个数组合并成一个。方法如下:
1、concat js的Array对象提供了一个叫c…
Hmtl页面中Jquery实现复选框选择-全选-全不选-反选-提交 代码如下
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
<meta http-equiv"Content-Type&…
直接贴代码~ /*日期格式化*/function fmtDate(d, type) {var arr1 d.split(.);d arr1[0].replace(T, );d d.replace(/-/g,/);var type type || 1;var date new Date(d);var y 1900 date.getYear();var m "0" (date.getMonth() 1);var d "0" d…
Element UI开发文档
npm 安装 npm i element-ui -S 引入 Element
完整引入 在 main.js 中写入以下内容:
import Vue from vue
import ElementUI from element-ui
import element-ui/lib/theme-chalk/index.css
import App from ./App.vueVue.use(ElementUI)new V…
文件夹中文件夹层数太多发表者: admin 2周,3天前 (Posted by: admin 2 weeks, 3 days ago) (Comments) ( 评论 ) Mezzanine is a powerful, consistent, and flexible content management platform. Built using the Django fram…
stl中emptyC STL set :: empty()函数 (C STL set::empty() function) set::empty() function is a predefined function, it is used to check whether a set is empty or not. If set is empty it returns true (1), if set is not empty it returns false (0). set :: empty…
getseconds补0JavaScript Date getSeconds()方法 (JavaScript Date getSeconds() method) getSeconds() method is a Dates class method and it is used to get the only seconds from the current time. getSeconds()方法是Date的类方法,用于获取当前时间中仅有的…
什么JQ : write less do more 写更少的代码,做更多…
Gotta love the Firebug console, how can anyone not love the Firebug console. It makes testing random pieces of JavaScript a breeze and best of all - youre playing with the live page. Your page or any page for that matter. 一定会喜欢Firebug控制台,…
adsenseIts official, I switched to the dark side. Not only does this blog has ads but they are Googles adsense. But hey, you gotta try. 是官方的,我转为阴暗面。 该博客不仅包含广告,而且是Google的adsense。 但是,嘿,你…
css图片居中垂直居中Heres one solution to centering an image both horizontally and vertically, when you know the height of the container. Tested in FF, IE6, IE7 当您知道容器的高度时,这是一种将图像水平和垂直居中的解决方案。 在FF,IE6&…
idea 代码格式化 谷歌Something has been annoying me for some time as I write this book in Google Docs: I want to be able to format text as code (Courier New) only using the keyboard. So I came up with this bookmarklet. Its one of those "works for me&qu…
动机(Motivation) Inspired by this article on SitePoint that shows how to find the Google ranking for a specific page and a search query, I decided to do the same, but for the Yahoo! ranking. The fun part is that my script is a JavaScript and requires nothi…
[Vue warn]: Property or method “tableData” is not defined on the instance but referenced during render. Make sure that this property is reactive, either in the data option, or for class-based components, by initializing the property
最近接手了一个react项目,里面需要用到折线图,看到图表的感觉不难。但是仔细一看引入的是 Ant Design Charts。然后去看了一下文档,发现好多地方的属性与echart区别很大,甚至用法都不一样了。最终结合文档,对属性一 一…
dateObject.getTime is not a function 这个错误出现的原因是通过接口或者初始化数据的时候获取的数据由date变为了string 程序校验string类型数据没有getTime方法,所以检验出错。 最简单的方法就是,通过string to date 还原数据类型 new Date(2019-11-1…
let a "9007199254740991";
let b "1234567899999999999";function add(a ,b){//取两个数字的最大长度let maxLength Math.max(a.length, b.length);//用0去补齐长度 padStart第一个参数为长度,第二个为要补全的元素a a.pad…
for in
什么都可以遍历(noodlist会显示原型上的属性) for in多用于遍历对象,他会返回对象的属性名而for in不推荐遍历数组 为什么for in不推荐遍历数组 1.for in返回的是每个item的索引如果想对数组的每一项进行操作的话就会很复杂 2.for in…
var date new Date();
var year date.getFullYear(); //年
var month date.getMonth() 1; //月
var day date.getDate(); //日
var hour date.getHours(); //小时
var minute date.getMinutes(); //分钟
var second date.getSec…
Sharding is the technique where you split static components across multiple domains so the browser can fetch more components in parallel? (Which browser? How many components per hostname? Ask 分片技术是将静态组件拆分到多个域中ÿ…
2010 update: Lo, the Web Performance Advent Calendar hath moved 2010年更新: Lo, Web Performance Advent Calendar已移动 Dec 18 This post is part of the 2009 performance advent calendar experiment. Stay tuned for the articles to come. 12…
javascript加载2010 update: Lo, the Web Performance Advent Calendar hath moved 2010年更新: Lo, Web Performance Advent Calendar已移动 Dec 15 This article is part of the 2009 performance advent calendar experiment. Todays article is a co…
背景Table 表格组件在 Web 开发中的应用随处可见,不过当表格数据量大后,伴随而来的是性能问题:渲染的 DOM 太多,渲染和交互都会有一定程度的卡顿。通常,我们有两种优化表格的方式:一种是分页,另…
css calc函数用法Introduction: 介绍: Dealing and appending functions to our HTML/CSS code has become a daily feat but not everyone is a pro when it comes to developing websites or web pages. Therefore, one must never stop learning and keep looki…
JXA-ObjC $引入框架转换 ObjC 的语法判断是否是文件夹 demo 新建终端窗口在 finder 右键状态栏通过 apple 脚本的形式解析并运行 js 文件如何转换报错信息doShell将文件复制到剪贴板打开文件选择器 文件选择框 var require function (path) {获得指定目录下的所有文件列表 获取…
function isEven(x) {// 如果x是2的倍数,就返回trueconsole.log(x);return x % 2 0;
let nu…
var data {}; var b (JSON.stringify(data) "{}"); alert(b);//true
var data {}; var arr Object.keys(data); alert(arr.length 0);//true
多变量线性优化Expedia Group Technology —数据 (EXPEDIA GROUP TECHNOLOGY — DATA) Or how you can run full webpage optimisations with a context-aware outcome.或如何运行具有上下文感知结果的完整网页优化。 Contextual multi-armed bandits offer promising opportu…
react 组件样式类In the two previous articles we looked at functional components.在前两篇文章中,我们介绍了功能组件。 Although the React team seems like they want to move away from class-based components, they’re still here. As a side note, I li…
前端工程师 后段工程师In my time in the tech field, I have learned that it really doesn’t matter what tools or languages you know. During your tenure in the field, you will pick up and discard multiple tools/languages. The things that will stay with you th…
正则表达式替换文字 表达式I often write design documents even if no one will read them.我经常写设计文档,即使没有人会阅读。 There are a lot of resources out there on how to write good design documents. There are also many different ways to define…
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<TITLE> how to make a drag division - </TITLE>
<META NAME"Generator" CONTENT"Edi…
1、获得选项option的值 var obj document.getElementByIdx_x(”testSelect”); //定位id var index obj.selectedIndex; // 选中索引 var text obj.options[index].text; // 选中文本 var value obj.options[index].value; // 选中值 jQuery中获得选中select值 第一种…
abstract class Animal{name:stringcunstructor(name:string){ name}//定义一个抽象方法//抽象方法以abstract开头,没有方法体//抽…
在JavaScript中定义一个函数,有两种方式,声明式和表达式。 我们直接上代码: function f1(){console.log(aaaaaa);}这是很标准的函数的声明方式。也就是所谓的声明式,它的主要特点就是一定要有函数名,这是规定。而且它可…
for 语句用于创建一个循环,它包含了三个可选的表达式,这三个表达式被包围在圆括号之中,
var i 0;
for (; i < 9; i…
function crNode2(){//1创建一个按钮节点var oButNode document.createElement("input");oButNode.type "button";oButNode.value "a new button";//获取div节点var oDivNode document.getElementById("div_1");//将按钮添加进节点…
js数据类型: String Number Null Undefined Object Boolean Symbol
Symbol: Symbol是一种全新的数据类型,作用:产生一个独一无二的值 用法:
1、$(function(){ $("#a").click(function(){ //adding your code here }); }); 2、$(document).ready(function(){ $("#a").click(function(){ //adding your code here …
function fn(){console.log("我是一个函数");
var fn function(){console.log("我是函数表达式");
var fn_arr…
2.1 Vue实例及选项
每个Vue.js的应用都需要通过构造函数创建一个Vue的实例。创建一个Vue实例的语法格式如下: var vm new Vue ({//选项})在创建对象实例时,可以在构造函数中传入一个选项对象。选项对象中包括挂载元素、数据、方法、生命周期钩子函数等…
效果 function validateRequiredFields(formId) {var form document.getElementById(formId);var elements form.elements;var valid true;for (var i 0; i < elements.length; i) {var element elements[i];if (element.hasAttribute("req")) {var value e…
Math 内置对象 它具有数学常数和函数的属性和方法。不是一个函数对象。
Math常用方法 1.Math.random() 定义随机数封装一个函数 用于获取一个从第一个参数(包含)到第二个参数(包含)的随机数 var r Math.random(); 括号内不写是0到1之间随机数 包含0 不包含1 var r Math.r…