git tag怎么打tag_ tag to inline style=”” attrrib

news/2024/7/19 15:23:53 标签: html, java, css, js, python
git tag怎么打tag

git tag怎么打tag

As you may have noticed, I claim that CSS is bad for performance because:


  1. Most browsers block the very first paint until all screen CSS arrives


  2. Additionally many browsers block rendering until all non-screen (e.g.print) CSS arrives


  3. Sometimes CSS blocks downloads


See "The evil that CSS do" in CSS and the critical path for details.

有关详细信息,请参见CSS中的“ CSS的弊端”和关键路径。

CSS is the critical path to delivering any UI in the browser. Images arrive whenever, JS can be async.

CSS是在浏览器中交付任何UI的关键路径。 只要有JS异步,图片就可以到达。

So any page needs to get CSS out of the way ASAP.


Simple, highly optimized pages (e.g., e.g.) reduce CSS to the bare minimum and then shove it inline in a <style> tag.


过量 (ExCeSS)

It's a fact of life that there will always be unused CSS, no matter how hard you try to reduce it. (Run PageSpeed for a proof)

生活的事实是,无论您多么努力地减少CSS,总是会有未使用CSS。 (运行PageSpeed进行验证)

Take the simplest CSS: your reset.css


It has stuff like


h1, h2 , h3, ..., abbr, blockquote{ margin:0; ....}

All the HTML tags are in there. But do you have all the tags in the page? Unlikely. So there's excess CSS even at the very base. It usually gets much worse from here. Whole features may or may not be in the page or combined in different ways, but the CSS to handle all combinations is always there, omnipresent.

所有HTML标记都在其中。 但是,页面中是否包含所有标签? 不太可能。 因此,即使在最底层也有多余CSS。 从这里开始,情况通常会变得更糟。 整个功能可能存在或可能不存在于页面中,或者可能以不同的方式组合在一起,但是处理所有组合CSS始终存在,无所不在。

要样式=“”属性 (To style="" attrib)

I saw today that Mailchimp has this CSS inliner tool. (Because mail clients often strip <style>). It takes the <style> tags in the markup, strips them and adds style="" attributes where applicable.

今天我看到Mailchimp具有此CSS内联工具。 (因为邮件客户端经常剥离<style> )。 它在标记中使用<style>标签,将其剥离并在适用时添加style=""属性。

I decided to give it for a spin with Facebook like and Google search's HTML. Remember: these are two already highly optimized pages.

我决定试一下Facebook和Google搜索HTML。 请记住:这是两个已经高度优化的页面。

Assuming the tool works correctly, the results were pretty impressive.


  • Like: 8,133 bytes from 10,115 (20% reduction, 23% after `gzip -9`)

    像:10,115个字节中的8,133个字节(减少20%, `gzip -9`之后为23% )

  • Search: 63,508 from 90,846 (30% reduction, 27% post gzip)

    搜索:90,846中的63508(减少30%,gzip后减少27% )

I know, I know what you'll say: inline style="" is an abomination. Should we bring <font> back? What about the cascade? Is this transformation needed on every page view with dynamic content, how's that scalable? What if there's a lot of content with the same class, lot of duplicates?

我知道,我知道您会说:inline style=""是可憎的。 我们应该带回<font>吗? 那级联呢? 具有动态内容的每个页面视图是否都需要这种转换,可伸缩性如何? 如果同一课上有很多内容,很多重复课怎么办?

I know, I know.


But, but... look at the results. 25% reduction of the HTML payload!

但是,但是...看结果。 HTML有效负载减少了25%!

With web development moving more and more toward transformations and compilation (css preprocessors, coffee script, monification, etc) it may not be unthinkable.


回到地球 (Back to Earth)

On more realistic note, just reduce the CSS to under 2K or thereabouts, inline it in the head, send it with the the first server flush (even before any data fetching) and you'll be in a good place already!


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git tag怎么打tag



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