sinh函数_sinh()函数以及C ++中的示例

news/2024/7/19 14:33:33 标签: c++, python, java, javascript, js


C ++ sinh()函数 (C++ sinh() function)

sinh() function is a library function of cmath header, it is used to find the hyperbolic sine of the given value (hyperbolic angle), it accepts a number (x) and returns the hyperbolic sine of x.


Syntax of sinh() function:



Parameter(s): x – is the number (hyperbolic angel) to be used to calculate the hyperbolic sine.

参数: x –是用于计算双曲正弦值的数字(双曲天使)。

Return value: double – it returns double type value that is the hyperbolic sine of hyperbolic angle x.

返回值: double-返回double类型的值,它是双曲角度x的双曲正弦值。



    float x = 2.45;
    Function call:

C ++代码演示sinh()函数的示例 (C++ code to demonstrate the example of sinh() function)

// C++ code to demonstrate the example of 
// sinh() function

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;

// main() section
int main()
    float x;
    x = -10.23;
    cout<<"sinh("<<x<<"): "<<sinh(x)<<endl;

    x = 0;
    cout<<"sinh("<<x<<"): "<<sinh(x)<<endl;    

    x = 2.45;
    cout<<"sinh("<<x<<"): "<<sinh(x)<<endl;    
    return 0;



sinh(-10.23): -13861.2
sinh(0): 0
sinh(2.45): 5.75103

Reference: C++ sinh() function

参考: C ++ sinh()函数




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