
news/2024/10/6 7:46:31 标签: javascript, java, web, js, html5

Gotta love the Firebug console, how can anyone not love the Firebug console. It makes testing random pieces of JavaScript a breeze and best of all - you're playing with the live page. Your page or any page for that matter.

一定会喜欢Firebug控制台,谁能不喜欢Firebug控制台呢? 它使轻松随机地测试JavaScript片段成为所有事情中最好的-您正在使用实时页面。 您的页面或任何与此相关的页面。

Two nice shortcuts you can use in the console are $ and $$.


The first is like document.getElementById() and the second allows you to get elements by using a selector, like w3c's document.querySelectorAll(), now available in the latest browser versions, including IE8.

第一个类似于document.getElementById() ,第二个允许您通过使用选择器来获取元素,例如w3c的document.querySelectorAll() ,现在可在包括IE8在内的最新浏览器版本中使用。

So go ahead, give $$ a try. For example you can visit yahoo.com, open up the console and try: >>> $$('.first') or >>> $$('.patabs .first') or >>> $$('#tabs1 li')

因此,继续尝试一下$$ 。 例如,您可以访问yahoo.com ,打开控制台,然后尝试: >>> $$('.first')>>> $$('.patabs .first')>>> $$('#tabs1 li')

Lots of fun!


So here's a little example application I came up with, it spits out unused selectors from your CSS. Just paste it in the multi-line console.

因此,这是我想到的一个小示例应用程序,它从CSS中吐出了未使用的选择器。 只需将其粘贴在多行控制台中即可。

for(var i = 0; i < document.styleSheets.length; i++) {
  for (var j = 0; j < document.styleSheets[i].cssRules.length; j++) {
    s = document.styleSheets[i].cssRules[j].selectorText; 
    if ($$(s).length === 0) console.log(s);

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翻译自: https://www.phpied.com/console-selectors/



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